For The Last 6 Months, I’ve Paid for 1–2–1 Coaching with ‘Tony Robbins’. Here’s One Key Lesson To Help You Crush Limiting Beliefs, Take Action And Generate More Revenue

Robert Gillespie
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Over the last 6 months, I’ve paid for 1–2–1 coaching with Tony Robbins.

(Well, one of a handful of his official coaches to be precise.)

I’ve always been fascinated with Tony Robbins, ever since I saw him in the movie Shallow Hall! I’ve read many of his books and listened to many of his audios and always felt better for it. So I thought I would go to the next level and get some 1–2–1 coaching.

I signed up for 20 x 30-minute coaching sessions every 2–3 weeks and here’s just one of the critical lessons I learned which helped me get over some limiting beliefs I had and help more people.

The Tony Robbins ‘Success Cycle’

Picture these words as a continuous looping cycle:
Potential->Massive Action->Results->Belief


We all have something valuable to offer. So if you ever have negative thoughts about your potential, change the language inside your head to “Knowing for certain you have something to offer someone”. You’re not ‘thinking’ you have something to offer, YOU KNOW!

Massive Action

You might need to change your approach until you achieve your outcome, but that certainty of ‘knowing’ you have something to offer means it’s time to take massive action. Put yourself out there with your stories, content and offers. And it’s not just action, it’s MASSIVE ACTION.


If you take massive action knowing your potential you will inevitably see results. They might appear small at first, but pay attention to the signals and celebrate each win. Celebrate each positive action you take no matter how small.


When you see results from taking massive action, this helps to create new beliefs about your potential. You become so certain about what the future will look like — you actually feel like you have the future you want right now.

Do you see the ‘Success Cycle’ now? With that growing belief, you become even more certain about your potential, which leads you to take even more massive action, which feeds into your results…

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Robert Gillespie

I write about Digital Entrepreneurship, Marketing and @Notionhq | Currently Vice President of Marketing @JPMorgan Chase | UK Entrepreneur of The Year final